Peter Broeders
Visual artist


Peter Broeders, Oud Beijerland 1969

What fascinates me is the connection between people and cultures, worlds coming together.  My drawings show the meeting with regular people from all over the world. By drawing them I become them, without knowing a name or a background, just the being. It enables me to have an open mind to everybody on the planet which is so important when we want to unite. I choose to use a sketching style so I can be more direct in capturing the moment.

The paintings show a slightly different approach to the same theme. We can be born in a modern progressive society or we can originate from a more primitive culture with traditional values., we still live on one level of being, whatever education or lack of education, whatever believe or disbelieve.  The pots and pans, cups and other stuff  we use on a daily base are a symbol of our common connection with the planet and teaches us to be humble.

The third chapter of my work, Nakwach (North American indigenous symbol of brotherhood) is the friction between the different point of view of different groups populating this world. The confrontation between people choosing a new path towards the future and the people remembering us the old ways. This chapter is by far the most interesting to me now but it is still in progress. This website will eventually show more work expressing this theme.

Education: Royal Academy of Art, The Hague The Netherlands